Staying healthy in a toxic world!

Green smoothies, juicing, plant based foods are all part of keeping our cells alive and filled with nutrients so we can stay healthy.  But what about other things we might need to do. Take water for instance. Do you drink enough each day? Do you know what’s in the water you drink? Do you know about alkaline water and keeping the body alkaline so it can heal itself? What about exercise? What role does that play in detoxing the body, if at all? Let’s start with water. Tap water can be dangerous to your health depending on where you live. I don’t drink tap water myself as we have an Enagic water machine that makes our water alkaline and gives us the option to also make acidic water for cleaning our fruits and veggies and also to clean our home. Most people don’t understand the importance of the water they drink but its the most important thing we need to do for our bodies to function properly. Hydration is so important and the saying “if you are thirsty then you have waited too long to drink” is true. Being alkaline also helps us heal our bodies as disease cannot grow in an alkaline balanced body, only in an acidic environment. This has been proven time and time again. So why do people still consume the acidic drinks and juices and eat the wrong foods so often? Mostly because they are not educated to do otherwise. They don’t know the real dangers of drinking that soda every day or even worse the diet soda every day. Tons of sugar or the artificial sweeteners are killing us slowly, making cancer cells viable and feeding their growth.